Steuart Snooks

Conference Speaker | Workshop Trainer | Productivity Coach


The art of communication is being lost yet it’s been identified as the most crucial soft skill needed in business success*, ranking above Leadership and Emotional Intelligence. (*AIM Soft Skills Survey 2019)

With over 80% of business communication now done via email, it’s a good place to start if we’re trying to improve our productivity and effectiveness as leaders.

Attached to our devices, it seems we are always plugged in, switched on and accessible 24/7. Overload, overwhelm, stress, a fear of missing important communications (or new business) and a feeling of never getting on top of things are common complaints voiced when it comes to managing emails.

So how do we take back control of that disrupter/distractor, the email inbox, and free up our time to lead and to focus on the strategic, productive and income generating work?


Want to know what The CEO Institute had to say about Steuart? Click on the link below to find out!

In Steuart’s presentations and workshops, not only will you learn about the benefits of taking back control, improving communication and stepping up as a leader, you’ll be staggered to learn what email inefficiency is costing you and your organisation in time and money (not to mention mental wellbeing). In just one session, he shows you how to gain all three back, using hidden tools and tricks that already exist within your current email platform. 

Allocate him just a little longer and he’ll have you working on your device and clearing out your inbox as he’s presenting - and sending you off with the knowledge and tools to keep it under control with little effort. What other conference session has you walking out with less emails, less work and less stress than you came in with!!??

What you’ll learn will halve the time, double your result and triple your productivity when using email. Not convinced? Check out the stats.

Guaranteed to be a game changer - saving you time, money and mental capacity Steuart’s presentations are a must for any conference.



Steuart is a Melbourne-based Email and Workplace Productivity Expert.

He works with senior executives, their EAs and support teams who are overloaded with email. He has over 25 years’ experience in researching and developing practical, affordable solutions to the relentless demands of email and the workload it delivers.

Steuart delivers fast-paced, information-rich and highly practical presentations (with a touch of humour) that make a real difference to personal and organisational productivity.

He helps restore email to its rightful place as a powerful tool to leverage workplace and personal productivity. What he teaches can change the way you work . . .  forever!

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No matter your audience or industry Steuart’s presentations are relevant to all people who use email as a communication tool.

By managing emails more effectively and efficiently every person frees up their time (and mental capacity) for more strategic, productive and income generating activities.

How much will NOT addressing this issue cost you and your organisation?

What ROI can you expect (in time and dollars)?

Why is email productivity training more valuable than sales training?

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Working with small teams, Steuart’s workshops show how to quickly get a grip on email overload, gain more control, reduce frustration, save an enormous amount of time and radically improve workplace productivity and communication effectiveness.

Learn about the seldom used tools in your existing email software to halve the time, double your result and triple your productivity when using email.

Steuart’s presentations are supported with ongoing resources for participants and access to monthly webinars.


Speaker Resources Kit

Speaker Resources Kit

(includes bio, topics, keynote details, AV requirements, logistics, introduction and fees)

Introduction 1 - general audience

Introduction 2 - EA audience

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Testimonials Industry Experience